Result of Mixed Friendly match v Shopland Select on 19th January 2025
Mole Valley won on all 4 rinks & the match 100 – 39. They led 49 – 14 after 9 ends across the 4 rinks
& won by 61 shots.
Rink Team Score
1 Jenny Spurr Dave Loxton Peter Lawson Neil Bartlett 16 - 13
Mole Valley led 11 – 5 after 9 ends & 16 – 11 on end 16. They lost the last 2 ends but won by 3 shots.
2 Colin Woolford Liz Roberts Rowan Brearley Geoff Lang * 39 - 4
Mole Valley won 14 of the 18 ends. They led 15 – 2 after 9 ends & won by 35 shots.
3 Terry Mears Debbie Bartlett Chris Bishop Brian Collis 21 - 9
Mole Valley led 9 – 4 after 9 ends & 12 – 8 on end 12. They won 5 of the last 6 ends to win by 12 shots.
4 Annie Scorgie Mick Edger Martin Crysell Alistair MacLennan 24 - 13
Mole Valley led 14 – 3 after 9 ends & 16 – 7 on end 12. They won 4 of the last 6 ends to win by 11 shots.
* Highest winning rink Won 100 - 39