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Mole Valley won on 2 rinks, lost on 1 rink & won overall 59 – 56 (14 – 4). The final result of the game was decided on rink 4. This rink finished 30 minutes after rinks 5 & 6. There were 5 killed ends (4 by Egham, 1 by Mole Valley). After 18 ends on rink 4 Mole Valley led by 1 shot overall & on the last end they were 3 down. Chris drew second shot & the Egham skip trying to push one of his bowls up managed to push Chris’s bowl up for shot leaving Mole Valley winning by 3 shots overall.
Rink                                                       Team                                                                        Score
  4         Peter Salmon Rowan Blearley Clive Kendall Chris Jones                                                23 - 14
             Mole Valley led 11 – 3 after 10 ends & 14 – 10 after 15 ends. They won by 9 shots.

  5         Ian Lymath Phil Sims Ted Ray Peter Miller                                                                     9 - 28
             Mole Valley were 4 – 18 down after 10 ends & lost by 19 shots.

  6         Keith Yarwood Ian Thain Wayne Thornton Geoff Lang *                                                27 - 14
             Mole Valley led 19 – 1 after 9 ends & lost the next 5 ends, but still led 19 – 11.
             They won 4 of the last 5 ends to win by 13 shots.
* Highest winning Rink                                                                           Mole Valley Won 59 – 56 (14 – 4)
Mole Valley Indoor Bowling Club
Leatherhead Leisure Centre Bowls Hall,
Guildford Road,
KT22 9BL.
We are affiliated to Bowls England, English Indoor Bowling Association, Surrey County Women's Indoor Bowling Association and Surrey County Indoor Bowling Association.
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