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Result of ESML League match v King George Field played at home on 

Wednesday 27th November 2024 

Mole Valley won on all 3 rinks & the match 62 – 28 (12 – 0). Each rink won 12 of the 18 ends & led 23 – 22 after 9 ends.  They led by 20 shots on ends 15 & went on to win by 34 shots. 





Sandy Cooper Matt Power Fi Drinkall Wayne Thornton 

23 - 12 


Mole Valley were 8 – 12 behind on end 12. However, they won all the remaining ends to win by 11 shots. 


Annie Scorgie David Fern Sylvia Bridger Geoff Lang * 

20 - 8 


Mole Valley led 9 – 6 after 9 ends & won the next 4 ends to lead 16 – 6.  They won by 12 shots. 


Linda Aburn Sandy Oldland John Barnard Peter Miller 

19 - 8 


Mole Valley were level 7 – 7 after 9 ends, but won 8 of the remaining ends to win by 11 shots. 


* Highest wining rink 

Won 62 – 28 

(12 – 0) 

Mole Valley Indoor Bowling Club
Leatherhead Leisure Centre Bowls Hall,
Guildford Road,
KT22 9BL.
We are affiliated to Bowls England, English Indoor Bowling Association, Surrey County Women's Indoor Bowling Association and Surrey County Indoor Bowling Association.
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